How to run Apache Flink locally?

Step by Step guide for local installation of Apache Flink

Jyoti Dhiman
3 min readAug 30, 2020
Photo by ev on Unsplash

To work with real-time stream processing(not micro-batching, real-time), Apache Flink is the next big thing. The documentation defines Apache Flink as:

Apache Flink is a framework for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams.

Follow along to run Apache Flink locally.

Step 1: Download Apache Flink

  • From the official website of Apache Flink, download the requisite binary. If you want the latest version, then according to your scala version requirements you can download either Apache Flink x.x.x for Scala 2.11 or Apache Flink x.x.x for Scala 2.12. As of August 30, 2020, Apache Flink 1.11.1 is the latest version.
As per Scala version, download the latest version of Apache Flink
  • If you are looking for a specific version of Apache Flink, like working with Kinesis Data Analytics requires Apache Flink 1.8.2, then on the Downloads page, click on Flink under Stable Releases.
Go to stable releases for Apache Flink

For the version, you want to install, click on Binaries

Link to be clicked for Flink 1.8.2

Then similar to above according to your scala version, download the binary.

Binary to be downloaded for Scala 2.11

Step 2: Unzip the downloaded binary

Apache Flink contents post-extraction

Step 3: Start Apache Flink Locally

  • Go to bin
  • For windows, click on start-cluster(Windows Batch File)
  • For Linux, run the start-cluster shell script
On clicking on start-cluster(Windows Batch File) on Windows 10

Step 4: Connect to Web UI

If all goes well, you should be able to see Flink dashboard at http://localhost:8081

Apache Flink dashboard for version 1.8.2

Viola!! Apache Flink is up and running.


  • Pre-requisites: Java & Scala installed.
  • If you are looking to work with Apache Flink in Java, please download the requisite binary accordingly, all the other steps will be similar.

Until next time,



Jyoti Dhiman
Jyoti Dhiman

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